Monday, April 8, 2013

Just Keep Running...Literally

After the Disney Princess Half Marathon I will admit to working out less. I was working out 5-7 days a week before and now it is 3-5. Ever since the DPHM my new goal was to run 3 miles in 30 minutes. This was a biggie for me. I trained 2-3 days a week for this and I finally did it. Proof because I like to be able to look at it in disbelief.

Six months ago I could not even run 1 mile in 14 minutes and now look at me. I contribute my ability to do all this working out with minimum to no injuries to my new found dedication for Yoga. I go 2-3 days a week and each time I feel so renewed and full of energy when I leave. I love the 2 yoga teachers I have here at my local YMCA and I truly enjoy going to class especially since it is usually after a vigorous run on the treadmill.

My kids absolutely love going to the gym daycare room so that makes it feel more guilt free for this Mama for dropping them off in their while I work out for 2 hours.

Right now Violet is in swim class twice a week to teach her strokes and side breathing and she has soccer practice once a week and a game once a week. Somehow out of 16 preschool teams she ends up on the hot pink team...PERFECT. During the first game at the very begining at tip off she ran the ball dribbling and weaving between the other players and scored a goal Her first one EVER. I would love for her to be on the swim team next year.  I feel sports are so important at these young ages because it sets them up for a future of learning to work with a team and playing for fun.

Ever since our big move to Orlando I can honestly say I have been so incredibly happy that unicorns and rainbows are literally busting out of me. Before I had to work so that we could pay the bills. Here I am a stay at home mom and I am literally enjoying ever second of it. It gives me the ability to work out several days a week, take the girls to all their activities and still get home in time to make dinner. I am feeling incredibly blessed lately. My husband is so amazing to lets me stay home with the girls while he works. He too is in full agreement that now that Violet is older it is so important to get her into activities throughout the day.

Not to leave Lily out she will be getting back into swim lessons again soon and she sits and watches Violet during her games. I tell her that one day her time will come and she will get to play too.

Lil girl just crawled out of the crib for the first 17 months old mind you. I see us converting that crib to a toddler bed very soon.