Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My nipple is not a teether!

So V is now 8 months old. Sometimes I still think it is weird to think of myself as "mom." But Mom I am. This also marks 8 months of breastfeeding and let me say that I NEVER thought I would last that long. I have officially surpassed any other member of my family in terms of breastfeeding the longest. When I was pregnant I would say I hope to breastfeed to 6 months but we shall see what happens. The more I read and researched the more I realized that 6 months was not enough and my ultimate goal is to make it to 12 months. I do look forward to my boobs being "mine" again. V got her first tooth on June 3rd and proceeded to bite down on my nipple. It even left a tooth mark...yikes! Hopefully the rest of her teeth will come in slowly so that I can finish up my breastfeeding goal.

At the end of next month I will be going on my husband's firm retreat and I will be away from her for 2 nights. I do not look forward to it. We are not ready. V still takes naps on my shoulder and spends half the night sleeping in bed with me while nursing. Agh....must not stress as a weekend away from daughter should be a stress free relaxing time. I have noticed that she nurses a lot less than she use to and she no longer nurses for comfort during the day. If she is not hungry than she does not want boob. All bets are off at night though and all she can think about is BOOB!

When she is finally weaned I want a nice cold bud light. I do miss social drinking at gatherings. One thing I do have to look forward to is college football!!!! Go Gators! I know that has nothing to do with what I was talking about but it is my blog and I will send out random shoutouts to my school if I want to :)


Christi S

ouch, I remember the same thing when I was nursing! Hopefully she won't try that again! Thanks so much for entering my giveaway....come back again soon!


All I ask is that I can be there when you crack open that beer :)


I need to be there for your first beer as well!!!


I think when I go to Universal next month I want an alcoholic beverage. I will be away for several hours so all is good. My boobies!

Claire's Closet

My son is almost one and he uses me as a pacifier and sometimes bites me and it hurts so bad! One more month of breastfeeding and I am finally done. It is bittersweet.

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