Thursday, March 18, 2010
Cookie Monster
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Spring is Coming
Since Easter is coming I decided to take Violet out back and take some pictures of her in her new tutu for an Easter card to send to friends and family. The pictures turned out pretty cute especially since it was so cloudy. I also find it almost scary how much she looks just like me. Some of my friends and family even joke that she is my "mini me." It is true that I was hoping to only have boys but she is showing me how much fun it is to have a little girl to dress up and play with. The morning this picture was shot she had found her hair ties on the floor and she brought them over to me and held out her hair on the side. She does not talk yet but I knew what she wanted and pigtails she got. Sooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also in the background is my loveable pooch that would not stop making me throw the frisbee and she would not get out of the pictures. Silly pooch. I still got some great shots without Princess Peach in the background.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Mom of the Year I am NOT
Monday, March 1, 2010
CSN Websites
With my daughter turning 16 months and the fact that she is a climber I have recently begun my search of toddler beds.. I have looked in stores but the selection is so incredibly limited. That is when someone showed me all the toddler beds available through CSN stores. WOW, the selection is amazing and the beds are super cute too. The only hard part is trying to pick out just one.
They also have so many different websites that there is literally something for everyone. The main CSN store has a wide array of stuff for children but my favorite website of theirs would have to be Toys and Games Online. They have a extensive selection of toys from baby up through the teen years. Heck I even want to play with most the stuff on their site.
Not into toys? That's cool too because they have tons more websites to choose from. There is the ever popular barstools website...with you guessed it everything barstool related! Mailboxes more your style? They have a website for that too. Check out their list of websites and look around. Go ahead browsing is free.
You can literally get lost on their website for hours. I know I was.
UPDATE: I lied my favorite of their websites has to be all the stuff they have for water sports! My friends and family are avid wakeboarders and tubers. That website has more tubes and water toy accessories than I have ever seen. They even have trainer skis for the little ones. I hope little Violet grows up with the love of water like we do.
Be on the lookout for a great product review courtesy of CSN coming soon!
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