Thursday, July 1, 2010

I am not ready for a Toddler....

This weekend my 20 month old daughter decided to climb out of her crib for the very first time. Which inevitably meant converting her crib over to her adorable toddler bed. The entire thing frightens me since she is not even close to sleeping through the night yet. She is still unable to soothe herself back to sleep despite trying every method out there, but that would be a whole other blog post. On night 2 of the big switch my husband put Violet to bed and left the room and shutting the door behind him. She ran after the door calling Daddy but moments later she was quiet. Fifteen minutes later I decided I just had to check on her (despite husband saying otherwise). When I enter her room she is sitting in the glider in the corner, holding her favorite stuffed animal, Brobee, with an empty bottle in her mouth that husband accidentally left on the nightstand, all while flipping through her Thomas the Tank Engine Board book. She just looked up at me as if to say "I was not ready for bed yet and if you will not read to me I will just have to do it myself." She does this with a room that is very very dark. She looked adorable. I walked her back to the crib and said she had to go to sleep. She cried and pointed at her book and I let her have it. She fell asleep holding the book. Every night this week she has fallen asleep with a book and Brobee. She definitely gets her love of books from me.

Side note: I never let her sleep in her bed with her bottle but that night I did not have the heart to take it. It was empty and she had taken it off the nightstand all by herself. I breastfed for 15 months and I never should have started the bottle but that will be a whole other issue in a few months to deal with.


Dogmom Diva

Hi Katrina thank you so much for stopping by my blog and visiting! Your daughter is just adorable, you are very blessed!

Have a great week!


Debbi Does Dinner Healthy

It's tough to convert from the crib to the bed! 20 months is pretty young! Glad it went well! Thanks for stopping at my blog, I hope you'll be back. I try to post new recipes every week, thanks!


Congratulations on winning my give away. I'll give your contact information to CSN Stores and they will get you the gift card. Take good care and thanks for visiting my blog! Erin

erika sorocco

How incredibly adorable. My nephew is the same age!! :)


Aww, how adorable!
Love your blog, it's so pretty! :-)

My Dream Canvas

Very very cute. I am having a CSN Giveaway..would love for you to stop by.

Krissi McVicker

Wow! Well that's a great milestone anyway! My daughter adjusted with some bumps in the road because we gave her a whole new room with her new toddler bed because I needed her old room (which was bigger) for my twins who are now 10 months old. She was just over 2 at the time. She never tried to climb out of her bed though...stick with a routine. Eventually, she'll be comfortable to just go to bed on her own. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Happy ICLW! (#45 & 46)


Toddlers are tough but lots of fun too! Good luck with the transition of both the bed and into toddlerhood!


That is a very cute picture! I am not looking forward to the whole switch to a toddler bed w/ my 1 year old twin girls, but I see it in my inevitable future!

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